Submission Guidelines for the Contributors

Kindly Keep in Mind the Following Guidelines While Preparing the Manuscripts:
1. Page Setup: A-4 size paper and Margins as top: 1” (2.5 cm), bottom: 1” (2.5 cm), left:
1.3” (3.4 cm) and right: 1” (2.5 cm).
2. No. of Words: 2000 to 3500 words (Including abstract of 250 to 300 words, Tables and Figures).
3. Letter Type: Times New Roman.
Paper Title: Title Case, Times New Roman, 14 Point Font, Bold and Centered. It should be concise and should not be started by using indefinite articles (A, an, to, the etc). Abbreviations or acronyms should not be used in the title.
Author(s) Name(s): Type Author(s) name(s) (Italics) one after the other in one line separated by commas identified by superscript 1, 2, 3 , 4 etc. at the end of the author’s name with designation, affiliation and also Email (Italics) of Principal Author identified by superscript *. Use Title Case in Times New Roman with font size 12 placed centrally.
4. Abstract: Times New Roman with font size 10 with single line spacing (Italics).
5. Keywords: Times New Roman 5 to 7 keywords with font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing separated by commas.
6. Text Format: Times New Roman with font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. This should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (If any) and References.
7. Main Headings, Sub-Headings and Sub-sub-headings: All Headings and Sub-Headings should be in Title Case form in bold in Times New Roman with font size 12 (e.g. Human Development) and placed left aligned. Sub-sub-headings should be in Sentence Case (e.g. ergonomically unsound work stations) in bold in Times New Roman with font size 12 and placed left aligned.
8. Tables and Figures: All Tables and Figures should be referred as Table 1 and Figure 1 in the text. Table Title should be given above the table and Figure Title should be given below the figure in Title Case, Times New Roman with font size 12 centralized. Data in table should be in single line spacing with font size 10.
9. References: References in the text (If required) should be given by author’s sir name, followed by year in parenthesis (Rose 1992) in Title Case. The full references should be given at the end in alphabetical order as per the examples given below:
Article in Journal (With Single Author): Gulati L (1991) Women in the Unorganized Sector with Special Reference to Kerala. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 34 (2): 241-248.
Article in Journal (With Multiple Authors): Jarvholm B, From C, Lewold S, Malchau H and Vingard E (2008) Incidence of Surgically Treated Osteoarthritis in the Hip and Knee in Male Construction Workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 65 (4): 275-278.
Books: Choudhary MR (1990) Industrial Morale and Productivity. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications.
Book Chapter in Edited Volumes: Abraham J (2010) Professional Orientation of Graduates Opting Home Science as an Elective Subject at Graduation Level. In Tikoo S (Ed.) Professionalism in Home Science. New Delhi: Academic Publisher: 134-143.
Conference Paper: Acharya MS and Thakkar DG (2005) A Study of Ergonomic Cost of Work in the Unorganized Sector-Experiment from Laboratory to Land. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE-2005), IIT, Guwahati: 60-67.
Dissertation: Sharma S (1995) Occupational Health Problems-Impact on Output and Household Development of Women Workers, PhD Dissertation, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda.
Edited Volumes: Gajalakshmi N (Ed) 1998 Problems and Prospectives of Women Labour in India. New Delhi: Mohit Publications.
10. Authors should take care to ensure the accuracy of data and references.
11. A declaration is to be made by the principal author on the declaration form that the paper is original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
12. All manuscripts will be evaluated by reviewers. Once the manuscripts are accepted for publication, the chief/deputy chief editor reserves the right to make editorial changes as may be necessary to make the article suitable for publication.
13. Manuscript should be accompanied by cover sheet bearing Title of the Paper, name(s) of author(s), designation, affiliation(s), email, postal address and contact number.
14. The contributors are requested to email the paper and signed scanned copy of declaration form