Alleviation: An International Journal of Nutrition, Gender & Social Development, ISSN 2348-9340 , Volume 8, Number 8 (2021): 1-5
© Arya PG College (College with Potential for Excellence Status by UGC) & Business Press India Publication, Delhi,

Preparation of Innovative Tulsi Coconut Rich Bites to Boost Immunity against Corona Virus

Preeti Sharma and Pratiksha
Lecturer, Department of Home Science
Pt.Chiranji Lal Sharma Govt. College, Karnal
MSc Student, Department of Foods and Nutrition and Dietetics, KU, Kurukshetra (Haryana), India


Covid-19 is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract that has spread to many parts of the world. There is an increased risk of infection in those with a weak immune system. Healthy diet and strong immune system are necessary to prevent this condition. In order to improve the immune system, a recipe named as TULSI Coconut Bites was developed, consisting of ingredients rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and easily available ingredients such as jaggery, coconut, dates and cinnamon and basil leaves and flex and sesame seeds. The main objective of the present study was to standardize tulsi coconut bites to boost immune system finding out its acceptability and evaluating nutritional value.
Milk along with tulsi leaves was boiled. Coconut was grinded. Jaggery syrup was prepared. Cinnamon, roasted sesame seeds and flex seeds were grinded and mixed well. All the ingredients were combined. Sensory evaluation was conducted using 9-point organoleptic standardized test. It was found that tulsi coconut bites were acceptable by the subjects for their appearance, taste, texture and flavour. It was concluded that tulsi coconut bites were nutritious (antioxidant rich) and tasty.

Keywords: Antioxidant, Cinnamon, Immunity, Innovative.


SARS-CoV-2-caused Covid-19 is a global public health concern that has spread across the globe, resulting in millions of illnesses and fatalities. It's spreading like wildfire over the world. Individuals must strive to achieve and maintain a healthy nutritional state. During the covid-19 epidemic, individuals' nutritional health was employed as a measure of their resilience. The only way to remain healthy in the current climate is to improve one's immune system through proper food and nutritional intake. In Covid-19, accumulation of free radicals coupled by weakened antioxidant system leads to oxidative stress, which will further worsen respiratory diseases. Patients with covid-19 are more likely to have antioxidant levels decreased as a result of the increased use of these drugs to counteract the detrimental effects of free radicals. Maintaining a healthy diet rich in antioxidants can be helpful in fighting against Covid-19. Today, the demand for immune system boosters' food is expanding at an alarming rate. Keeping these considerations in mind, the present study was planned with specific objectives to develop innovative antioxidant rich immune boosting tulsi coconut bites and to study their nutrient composition.
The nutritional aspects of these foods were taken into consideration, and a recipe was developed using the healthy innovative antioxidant ingredients listed below to highlight the value of each of these items: 1) Jaggery
Jaggery, is a byproduct of sugarcane A well-known poaceae crop, sugarcane (saccharum ophidiarium linn.) is widely grown. In addition to its inherent sweetness, jaggery contains a small amount of phytochemicals, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Jaggery has 28.5 gms of carbs, 0.12 gms of protein, 0.9 gms of iron, and 114 calories in 30 gms (Nayaka et al 2018).
2) Tulsi
Herbalists around the world consider tulsi (also known as holy basil) a potent remedy for a variety of ailments. Numerous studies have shown that tulsi leaf has potent pharmacological actions that include apoptogenic, metabolicimmunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,hepatoprotective, radioactive, antimicrobial, and antidiabetic effects. In our everyday routines, tulsi has numerous health benefits, such as aiding in the treatment of fever, cold, sore throat, respiratory issues, and other ailments (Negar 2017).
3) Cinnamon
Traditional herbal medicine has employed cinnamon for ages. As a supplement or a spice, cinnamon is accessible. Vitamin B, K, and the antioxidants choline, beta carotene, alpha carotene, alpha cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are present in trace amounts. Antioxidant-rich cinnamaldehyde in it helps to lower blood pressure. It has 12 calories, 0.42 mg of iron, and 52 mg of calcium, as well as 78 mg of vitamin A in 5 gms.
4) Coconut
As far as we know, the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera L) is not an angiosperm, but a palmae tree. As one of the ten most helpful trees in the world, the coconut has been dubbed the tree of heaven. Coconut contains antiviral characteristics, lauric acid, and monolaurin, which block viral proteins from attaching to the host cell membrane and thereby preventing infection.
5) Dates
Many health benefits can be attributed to date palm fruit, which provides a wide range of essential nutrients. When consumed in moderation, dates have been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and antioxidant properties. Flavanoids, p-coumaric, ferulic, and sinapic acids, and other phenolic chemicals are found in this plant. There are 15gms of carbohydrates, 1.25 gms of protein, 63.4 kcal of energy, and 0.18 gms of iron in 50 gms of dates (Barreveld 1993 & Makki et al 1998).
6) Cow Milk
Cow milk is rich in lactoferrin, milk fat globule membrane,and colostrum’s IgG which reduces respiratory infections (Warsewicz et al 2019).
7) Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are an excellent source of protein, vitamin B1, dietary fibre, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. Sesame contains antioxidants such as lignans and a significant amount of linoleate in triglyceride form, both of which are abundant in sesame. Sesame contains three times as much calcium as milk. There are 29 calories, 5gms of fat, 9 per cent calcium, and 8 per cent iron are included in 5 gms of sesame seeds.
8) Flex Seeds
Flex linum usitatissinun is an annual plant and member of linnacea family. Tocopherols, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatorys, polyphenolics, and flavonoids substances with medicinal effects can be found in abundance in the seeds of flex.
Lignons, which have antioxidant characteristics and considerably diminish the impacts of free radicals, may be found in abundance in flex seeds, which are also rich in fibre (Rasane et al 2015).
Materials and Methods
The aim of present study was to develop a standardised recipe using jaggery,dates,sesame seeds,tulsi,coconut,cinnamon,flex seeds,coconut powder and milk. It was explored whether the recipe containing these ingredients can be made palatable and acceptable or not. Efforts were made to prepare the recipe which provides antioxidants which boost our immunity in corona pandemic.
The following ingredients were used to create a new, antioxidant-rich, immunity-boosting recipe called tulsi coconut bites:
• Jaggery-30 g
• Dates-50 g
• Flex Seeds-5 g
• Sesame Seeds-10 g
• Tulsi-10 g
• Cinnamon-5g
• Milk-50 ml
• Coconut Powder-20g
1) Make a syrup of jaggery and cinnamon.
2) Boil milk and add grinded tulsi leaves in it.
3) Grind coconut powder and dates powder in a grinder.
4) Roasted sesame and flex seeds were grinded.
5) In a milk pan, combine all ingredients and cook them until they are not at stage of firm ball.
6) Make the balls of this mixture.
• Serving Size: 2 Candies (Weight Per Candy- 40 g)
Results and Discussions
The preparation, standardization and organoleptic acceptability of antioxidant rich immune booster tulsi coconut bites recipe made with coconut, jaggery, milk, dates, flax seeds, sesame seeds, and tulsi was found to be highly acceptable.


It is concluded that in addition to being delicious, this recipe was rich in antioxidants and nutrients that assist to boost the immune system. Tulsi coconut bites are easy to make at home, and they keep well in the refrigerator for up to seven days after they are made. The dish was also praised for its pleasing appearance and texture. Being small enough to fit in a pocket and appealing to people of all ages. All age groups can take benefit from this new antioxidant-rich recipe.
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